Our classes are in 60 minute blocks and focus on fitness and hockey skills. Elevate your game by improving your shooting, stickhandling, passing, and overall strength.

Hockey Skills

Our shooting component delves into refining players’ form, fostering accuracy, and amplifying shot power. Through targeted training, participants enhance their ability to deliver precise and forceful shots, honing a critical aspect of their hockey skill set.

Our passing module is dedicated to sharpening players’ passing precision, emphasizing techniques to ensure accurate and effective puck distribution on the ice. Participants gain valuable skills to elevate their playmaking abilities.

Through skill-building exercises, participants develop finesse and confidence in manipulating the puck, ultimately elevating their ability to navigate the ice with precision and control.

Off-Ice Conditioning

Our conditioning program is designed to fortify players’ stamina, ensuring they maintain peak energy levels throughout the game. Participants engage in targeted exercises to build endurance, contributing to sustained performance on the ice.

Our movement skills training is tailored to enhance players’ agility, fostering speed and quick directional changes on the ice. Through targeted exercises, participants develop heightened mobility, translating to increased on-ice responsiveness and maneuverability for an elevated gameplay experience.

Contributes to the enhancement of hockey skills by building strength and power crucial for on-ice performance. By incorporating targeted weight training exercises, participants develop the physical prowess needed for powerful shots, robust puck control, and overall resilience on the hockey rink.